Thursday, August 19, 2010

Board Meeting

I’m thinking of becoming secretary of the Sand Creek condo board if nobody else wants to do it and if I can find someone to replace me as Court One director. In the future, should someone choose to write an oral history of our condominium, the notes would be a good supplement. Last night’s meeting was just over 90 minutes long and more organized than last month’s two and a half hour marathon. The main purpose was to set a date for the annual picnic – unfortunately it will take place on Sunday, September 18, the same afternoon that I’ll be talking to the Ogden Dunes Historical Society, but I’ll be able to be there for the last 90 minutes. Here’s my notes – pretty prosaic compared to when Rhiman Rotz was composing them in the guise of fables for IUN’s History Department (his best effort dramatized a turf battle with Afro-American Studies as a medieval gathering of lords dealing with threats upon their kingdom; I was James, the Earl of Lane and he was “this lowly scribe Rymannus Scriba”); if I get the post, I’ll try to emulate him just a bit:

Craig Henderson conducted the Sand Creek Courts board meeting because President Jamison Menacher was in Wisconsin and unable to attend. Craig mentioned that the post office reproached him for stuffing unstamped materials in people’s mailboxes, so in the future he will send announcements by email and also telephone board members if he does not get email responses from them.
Regarding the recent painting of condo units, it was agreed that in the future the painters should be responsible for removing wasp and hornet nests while doing prep work.
Leo reported that he has purchased trees to replace those in Court one near unit 415 that came down during last month’s storm and that they will be planted next week. He also submitted a bill for the drainpipe extensions installed at unit 409 to prevent a reoccurrence of basement flooding. He subsequently noticed that the mowers had moved them and not put them back properly, so he did it himself. Craig reported on the landscape estimate to install window wells (one each) in units 407 and 409 as well as bring in dirt to improve the grading and then seed the area. The board approved accepting the estimate. The work should take place in early September.
There was discussion concerning a pick-up truck that has been parked from time to time in a Court one visitor’s space. There is a by-law prohibiting commercial vehicles, but Craig pointed out that the truck in question is a fleet vehicle rather than a commercial vehicle, so the board for the time being took no action in the matter.
The owner of unit 409 asked whether he could close up his skylights if unable to prevent them from leaking. The board decided that since owners are responsible for maintaining their skylights, he could do so as long as he used matching shingles and obtained the approval of four Court one residents on a Form B Alteration Request Form.
The annual picnic will take place in Court three on Sunday September 19 from 4 to 7. Each court will be requested to bring something (i.e., dessert, salad, etc.).
Election of officers will take place at the October general meeting. Board directors will urge people to volunteer.
Prior to the fall pruning, directors were asked to survey their courts and will be notified in advance when the work will take place so that they and other interested parties can be on hand.
Because Jamison was not present, discussion of whether to continue with mulch or switch to rocks was postponed. Jamison has promised to look into the condo insurance policy to get clarification about the $5,000 deductible issue and see whether we can do better.

New Jerseyites Joey, Tina, Garrett and Jacklin Okomski arrived after a stay in Florida. They rented a car at O’Hare and drove to their favorite pizza place in Chicago before arriving at our old place, soon to be demolished. In the past before flying home they’d buy half-cooked pizzas, but management has stopped taking such orders. There’s just one bed and a single TV left at the old homestead, so most of our expected guests will be roughing it. So far UNO has been the favorite game played.

A reader wrote in to The Post-Tribune’s Quickly column about vandalism being rampant in Chesterton. I think our condo is safe (knock on wood), but soon after the Wades moved into their new house, a group of teenagers did some nasty things to their car and property. It sounds like something the police need to take seriously.

1 comment:

  1. "if nobody else wants to do it" - huh, once you volunteer - you know no one else will want to do it! Gee, been there done that? Hope you know what you are getting into buddy, sounds like you will hear many big and little complaints. Good way to meet the neighbors though.
    Vandalsim does seem to be rampant in Chesterton, don't know why, kids never had enough to do, but we found ways to keep busy without destroying stuff. They closed the skate park, which is a known druggie spot, they patrol often at Friendship Park (5th and Morgan) - another druggie spot. I think The cops have their hands full with the stoners and druggies.
    Tom got me new solar globes to replace the broken ones (what a sweetie, i should be nicer to him!) - I'm going to put them out and hope the vandals are done with our neighborhood. For awhile there, and mostly out in the subdivisions where the houses are so big both parents are at work there was a rash of daytime entries and thefts. So do keep you doors locked, and in every neighborhood lock your car doors if it isn't in the garage. Too bad.
    Perhaps the Sunday of Labor Day you guys could game here and the kids and ladies could come later for croquet and a cook out?
